Distant Healing - How to Connect?
“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
― Nikola Tesla
I want you to imagine what’s around you right now. If you had antennae or could visibly see all the radio waves and frequencies around you- how many do you think you could see?
Usually there are radios, internet devices, plug sockets, mobile phones and whole ranges of electrical equipment giving out and detecting signals in almost every place we visit. Even when surrounded only by nature, there will be satellites or pylons that cover the area from afar. As humans we have generally evolved enough to not get affected too detrimentally by these technologies. Letting technology communicate for us is, on the whole, a very good thing. After all if we could see, hear and feel all of the frequencies around us all the time, I’m not sure our brains would cope.
So, thankfully as humans, we don’t all sense those signals and frequencies around us all of the time. We do sense many things though. Gut feelings and instinct are innate human perceptions. We’ve all experienced those feelings when we just ‘know’ the answer or we get a ‘sense’ of danger without any real reasoning. When we trust our instincts and later find out they have protected us or steered us in the right direction- we rarely think much more of it. But this level of consciousness, which ignites in those moments, is what I want to you to explore. It is at this level that we best connect with our surroundings and best meet the individual needs we all have.
‘Opening up’ can sound like a trend statement, as it is used very broadly and can mean a whole host of things. I want you to genuinely think of it as literally letting in another level of awareness or consciousness. Imagining your mind and body can ‘open up to’ and ‘absorb’ a new level of information or energy. Just as you can see, hear, touch, smell and taste- imagine you can go further and allow your body to be receptive to whatever is around you. When our survival instinct sets in, this is what is happening, we are simply ‘opening up’ and ‘tuning in’ through a sharper focus and at a higher level.
When we are open and neutral, we are also non-analytical and can simply absorb more from our surroundings. It is very hard for many of us to turn off that background noise of all those thoughts, worries and questions that are constantly buzzing around in our heads. Yet when we do this, we find a space that helps us listen, feel and make good decisions. I call this NEUTRAL MIND. In this state we are vibrating at the right frequency and can find it easier to connect.
In a Distant Healing session I am in NEUTRAL MIND. To be able to connect with the energy frequency of a person and send healing, I need to be in an open and neutral state. It is always a much more effective healing session if the person who I am working on is also in a NEUTRAL MIND and fully connecting.
I was having a terrible pain in my arm for a few weeks. I had tried going to have a massage and I had took pills to release the pain, but it just did not disappear. Until one evening, when I “connected” to you (Seka) for the distant healing session. At first I felt like my arm was burning and it hurt quite intense. But the surprise came in the morning, when I woke up, the pain has disappeared completely.
- Romania
This lady from Romania obviously had a conscious intention and reason for booking the session -she wanted her arm to be healed and be rid of pain. So she may have been more ‘open’ to receiving the healing. She felt it strongly in her arm throughout the session and it responded quickly that very same night. This shows there was good clear connection between us. I sent healing and she received and absorbed it in the exact way her brain and body felt she needed it.
However, I also know this was her first experience of having Distant Healing from me, a person she had never met before, and was hundreds of miles away from. It is therefore likely she may have had reservations or cynical thoughts about participating in this kind of a session, but her desire to have a better arm was greater and she allowed herself to ‘tune in’ and consequently she had a positive experience.
Sometimes people can be in NEUTRAL MIND and even though they might not consciously know what they need, the results can be just as positive.
“I had decided beforehand that the healing would take place in my mind and soul. I felt nothing for quite sometime then but then I started to feel some tingling in my left arm, which worked its way up to my elbow and stayed there for quite some time, but felt nothing in my other arm.
So convinced was I that my healing was going to be emotional that I completely forgot about the injury I had received to my left arm and consequent nerve damage to my hand 2 years ago.” UK
Once we connect, the healing will ultimately be received wherever your body needs it most. This is not to say that physical injuries always take precedent or that other areas will be left out. In many cases a general healing kick will be generated and can be felt through various sensations, which then absorb and manifest individually and gradually throughout the next few days or weeks.
It is very common for people joining my regular Worldwide Distant Healing Sessions to report feeling ‘tingling, hot hands and bubbling’ for example and then claim not to have noticed much difference in their health or wellbeing after. This for me indicates that they have managed to be open enough to connect in order to feel the energy within the session, yet they have blocked it off from it deepening further within them. This usually happens because once we get the sensations and feel the connection, we next become analytical. As our mind begins to assess, judge and critique the experience, we then lose the true power of the connection. Just being able to ‘let go’ consciously and unconsciously is more beneficial that we can imagine. Over-thinking what you are feeling within the session can hinder the mind’s ability to remain present and connected. Being open and neutral really is key to gaining the best experience.
Look out for my regular updates, Worldwide Distant Healing dates and Individual Distant Healing sessions
I hope my insights above may help you explore and enjoy the powers of connection we all have.