Worldwide Distant Healing
I believe we could all use a Bio-Energy boost, therefore I'm hosting a NEW FREE Worldwide Distant Healing event on Saturday, 29th March at 7pm UK Time (London).
These powerful distant healing energy events work to connect human consciousness en masse, with a focus on personal and global health and healing.
Every day, as a Bio-Energy Practitioner, I sense energy and use its innate healing potential in my work. I have the ability to detect energy blockages within the body caused by trauma, emotion, or illness. These are invisible obstructions, yet I sense them as physical sensations and suffering. Then I work to remove layers of negative energy and realign frequencies throughout the body, which speeds up the body's natural healing processes.
To participate, simply set aside this time for self-care and join us energetically from anywhere in the world. Feel the collective power of our shared intention as we embark on a journey of personal and global healing.
Love Seka
Saturday, 29th March at 7pm UK Time (London).
What to Do –
Find a quiet place to sit/ lie/ rest
Place your hands over the electron 'hand' images
Relax for 30 minutes at the designated time and date
Let go of your illnesses and blockages
Assess yourself over the following week then post or email Seka your feedback.
By the word -RELAX- Seka asks you to let go of all your problems/ illnesses/ daily stresses, and be open to receive the healing energy.
sunday 30th March at 7:00pm UK Time.
monday 31st march at 7:00pm UK Time.
How To Connect
To help connect with Seka, and for Seka to help focus her energy on you, you should print off the electron photographs of Sekas left and right hand and place your hands upon them throughout the 30 minute distance healing period.
By the word -RELAX- Seka asks you to let go of all your problems/ illnesses/ daily stresses, and be open to receive the healing energy.
All Seka Nikolic asks in return is for you to assess any changes you may experience either at the time of the session or in the days following, and kindly email this feedback to
You could be part of the worlds biggest distance healing experience ever!
Q& A - Distance Healing
What if I’m asleep?
This form of distance healing requires YOU to ‘tune in’ rather than letting Seka do all the work. So it is a good idea to at least try to begin ‘awake’!
Must I use the electron ‘Hand’ print-outs?
Yes. The hands are a huge part of Seka’s energy and she will be channelling her energy out through them, to you.
The Experience
On the basis of the information returned from previous events most people felt an “enlightening”, “relaxing”, “warming”, “peaceful”, “bubbling”, “pulsating”, “intense”, “electrifying”, “magnetising” “exhausting”, “itchy”, ‘drowsy”, “lifting”, and for me personally, an exhilarating experience.
People have reported a range of different, unique and individual sensations at the time of the experience. Whether profound or subtle, the experiences from current feedback show that predominantly the experience had a positive and healing effect. So mission accomplished!
At present, initial feedback indicates that regardless of location felt similar effects in countries such as the USA, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Hong Kong, Russia, France and the UK.