How to Utilize Universal Energy
Isolation Insights from Seka Nikolic
Often in times of adversity is when we become our most resilient and receptive. Survival instinct steps in to protect us, guide us and give us strengths, skills and ideas that we didn’t know we had.
Right now is one of those times. We are seeing magnificent acts of kindness, generosity and heroism from key workers and medical staff worldwide. We are showing gratitude, communication and empathy on a global scale like never before. Thus while there is so much pain, anxiety and despair, there is paradoxically so much positivity, peace and progression spouting up too.
It is in these extraordinary times that we are more susceptible to each other’s energies, as well as our own. It is often only when limitations are put upon us, that we are forced to recognise and realise what we can each really achieve, and properly see what we have around us.
When our ‘animal instinct’ kicks in, this is a state when we can all truly connect with ourselves to find answers, solutions and new working methods that help humankind as a whole. When we look to the animal kingdom we see countless examples of how so many species communicate, interact, trade information, heal and protect each other without any means of technology, internet, or machinery.
the magic of universal energy
Animals readily accept and utilize the Earth’s energy on an everyday basis. Studies show that elephants sense past events that have occurred in certain places by using their trunks as they pick up on energy frequency. Sharks sense electrical magnetic pulses for miles and miles around. Birds migrate in mass groups through an instant communication and sense of absolute timing that is felt like ‘one mind’.
So do our animals have another sense, or another dimension of intuition and knowledge that is protecting, teaching and linking them more closely with the planet? As humans, with the most sophisticated brains of any species, we too ought to be utilizing the power and benefits of this free, accessible and abundant Universal energy
Universal Energy exists around us, all of the time. It is present in a multitude of different forms- such as natural and man-made. Humans, plants, animals and all living organisms produce and need energy. Yet much of modern technology that we have created also uses signals, wave frequency and electrical energy too. From the stars in the depth of the Cosmos, to the thoughts of people on Earth- our Universe harbours unyielding amounts of energy.
why don’t we all access this huge index of energy everyday?
Energy frequency holds memory, information, images, emotions and so much more. Why do we dismiss its potential for us personally, when we know it aids and advances technology in so many ways? I believe it is simply because our brains can’t yet comprehend it’s overwhelming, abundant and non-monetised power.
We know there are millions of radio waves and WiFi signals operating constantly around us, but as humans we don’t usually see, feel or hear this frequency amongst us, but when we tune into the radio, or connect to the internet we instantaneously access all of its benefits, at the tap of a button.
Just imagine if as easily as a radio device picks up a station, we ourselves could simply recognize and connect into an energy that we need. Well we can, and we do. Subconsciously, unconsciously and instinctively- we pick up on energies. To pick up on the right energies, it helps to be open, balanced and neutral, yet this can happen even in the crux of a survival situation, when we have nothing left but to long for the best. Learning to identify these moments and the many ways that we already utilize energy, can teach us more about the world we live in, and how to tune into it’s natural power.
As a Bio Energy Practitioner, I experience energy and utilize its natural healing potential in my work everyday. I am able to sense energy blockages within the body that manifest from anything such as trauma, emotion and illness. These are blockages that we cannot see, but I feel them as physical sensations and pain. I then work to eradicate layers of negative energy and rebalance frequencies within the body, this in turn accelerates the body’s own natural healing processes.
Just as I work on patients in this way at my clinic, I can also work on them from a distance. Distant Healing uses the exact same principles, respecting the concept of energy frequency and it’s ability to communicate and heal. Many people have the exact same reactions whether I am sat next to them in my clinic, to whether I am thousands of miles away in a different country.
““If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ”
The energy I am using isn’t something special that comes solely from me. It is there all around us, in our atmosphere, in our body, and is constantly available to us all. I call it Bio Energy, and I am simply tuning into this energy and transforming its benefits, for healing. To some people my gift of sensing these frequencies seems unnatural, unfathomable and paranormal. But improving health using only energy and my instinctive ability to create balance within the body is nothing other than characteristically natural to our existence.
Our planet is over 4 billion years old, due to its own renewable, healing and overwhelming survival properties. We as a life form emerged due to the perfect conditions of our environment. These surroundings we know as Earth are therefore a part of us. Thus, nature gives us everything we need. From the exchange of gases as we breathe, the cycle of seasons that grow food, to the rhythm of the tides that keep our Earth’s magnetic pull, these are just a few examples of our planet’s interconnected relationship with the Universe, and how it constantly nurtures and nourishes us.
Not only is the way we heal enhanced by our planets Bio-energy frequency but so is the way we communicate and absorb it’s knowledge. This vast atmosphere of energy that operates around us isn’t limited by the linear constraints of distance. The simplest way to think of this astounding power is imagining an invisible but interconnected web of energy that links us all. It links us to our planet and forms an intricate network, in which we can access information, ideas, emotions and knowledge from it at any moment, like Nature’s version of WiFi! My method of Distant Healing is a supported, researched and scientifically backed-up phenomena that if we understand, we can begin to explore and employ in our daily lives. Similarly to animals, we may one day truly accept and align with nature and its Universal magic.
distant healing
Distant Healing connections can be achieved by all of us. We all just need to trust and hone our abilities. Ever thought of someone and then they happen to phone/email/ bump in to you the exact same day? This is an example of an energy frequency connection. We’ve all had these experiences and they aren’t always coincidences they are processes of sending and receiving energy, simply through our thoughts, feelings and emotions. We just need to tune into Nature’s WiFi and connect with the energies and frequencies that are right for us.
Those Eureka moments, those examples of pure luck when you’ve been in the right place at the right time, are merely moments when you’ve been instinctively receptive and tuning into what is right for you. If we can recognize these instances, respect the energies around us and hone our abilities, just like animals we can use Universal energy to our own advantage. Furthermore, I believe if we each learn to understand how Universal energy can transform our health and our planet, then we can all work together, at any moment, from any place, for a positive powerful connection.