Distant Healing- The big question

As I offer another Free Worldwide Distant Healing event this month, and have been limited to offering only Distant Healing treatments throughout this pandemic, I wanted to share some of the wonderful connections and the age old question that is often put to me as more and more people choose to experience this relatively unknown, but deeply personal and unique form of healing.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Nikola Tesla

So, the big question I am asked all the time…

‘Is Distant Healing as effective as having a hands-on/ in-person treatment?’

My answer is ‘Yes. If you let it.’

The query itself just stems back to that closed belief that if we can’t see something then we are more likely to question whether it really exists. This reasoning serves to protect us, but logically we know many powerful forms of connection exist today even though we can’t see them.

At my clinic, while clients are safe in the knowledge that I am in the same room with them, they often feel heat/ cold/ pain/ tingling/ rising emotions/ old symptoms and so forth in the exact area below my hands. They can also usually hear the static type sound that is caused when my hand flicks away negative energy. Thus, these physical factors contribute to making them aware that ‘something’ is definitely happening. 

Throughout a Distant Healing session I am not on the phone or talking people through anything. I am not visible to them on Skype. I am simply connecting with them and sending healing energy at a specific mutually respected time in which I have told them to relax.  These steps are necessary because I need the person to be completely ‘open’ to receiving the energy. Simply being alone in a peaceful and quiet space is generally the best way for people to relax, to be able to connect with themselves and to fully absorb the healing

When this connection occurs then your body will receive the healing just as well as if I were stood right next to you. It might be easier for us to imagine that beams of energy are travelling over a linear distance from my body to yours, but the very sophisticated details of quantum physics tell us that this doesn’t actually happen. The energy might begin with me and end with you, but the Universe and its energy is more complex than we can generally comprehend. The simplest way to think of it is by imagining an interconnected web of mass energy that we are both dialling into and connecting with, at the same time.

“I feel her energy and results very strongly almost more than during physical sessions; since the first session I slept differently, I look differently, and I stopped sweating at nights. So very happy with my results so far! Thank you” - London

“I want to let you know how I felt after your mass distance healing session recently. It was very similar in strength to one normal session with you (at the clinic) which took me quite by surprise, I had the same gentle tired, floating feeling.  Thanks” - Oxford

“Normally when I see Seka in person, for at least two days after the session, i am very very tired and just want to sleep, and I also normally need to go to the toilet a lot. I experienced exactly the same things for three days after the (Distant) healing. Also I had an injury on my right leg following a riding accident and the swelling definitely was a little reduced the days after” - France

“Sandra and I both felt more energetic and more positive after the three distance healing sessions, in fact I felt very similar to the sessions I’m used to when I come and see you.  I didn’t expect to feel it so strongly and I was surprised how strong Sandra’s experience was too, thank you very, very much from us both.” - UK

“For me it feels almost like being in your room feeling the power of your hands unblocking the scoliosis in my back, mostly felt in the skull, where I can both feel, hear and visualise the relocating of the bones in the straight line going down into my crooked shoulder and hip.” - London

“Clearly felt a presence around the top of my head in the same way as when Seka puts her hands on my head during a personal (hands on) healing.” - Yorkshire

Just as in a hands-on treatment where I feel and sense energy blockages, the Distant Healing receiver will react and respond in way that intuitively works to try shift and release negative energy blockages from their body. Once they have connected with me and tuned into Nature’s interconnected web of healing energy frequency- the rest will take care of itself!

Use the link below try individual Distant Healing for physical or emotional issues or look out for updates on my Free Worldwide Distance Healing events every month.